Our Thanks

hay tseep q’u to the following:

Technical Assistance, Editing

Thank you to Michelle Parent, Peter Baer, Essa Gierc, Leona Louie, Carolyn Ruttan, Charles Ulrich.


Funding for the stories project was provided by:

BCcampus OPDF Grant

Canadian Heritage

First Peoples’ Cultural Council

This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


Our Partners

Coast Salish Employment & Training Society

Thank you to Joan Brown, Fran Peter, Bruce Underwood

Cowichan Valley School District 79

Thank you to Denise Augustine, Donna Beardsley, Dan Norman

Nanaimo Ladysmith School District 68

Thank you to Verna Jones and Laura Tait

Simon Fraser University, Department of Linguistics

Thank you to Rita Parmar, Tom Perry

Simon Fraser University, First Nations Language Centre

Thank you to Marianne Ignace, Lorraine Yam

Simon Fraser University, IRMACS Center

Math Catcher Storytelling Project

Thank you to Andy Gavel, Veselin Jungic, Mark MacLean, Simon Roy, Jess Pollard

Strong Nations

Thank you to Terri Mack, Kim Stewart

Vancouver Island University

Thank you to Sheila Cooper, Helene Demers, Sharon Hobenshield, June Karstad

Westview Learning

Thank you to Heather Stannard

hay tseep q’u