spaal’ yuhi’lum’ – Raven falls
spaal’ yuhi’lum’
Raven falls
’utl’ Sti’tum’at
Ruby Peter
thqet: thi-i-i tsun thqet.
Tree: I am a big tree.
sum’shathut: ’een’thu sum’shathut.
Sun: I am the sun.
stsuhwum: ’i’ ’een’thu stsuhwum.
Wind: And I am a big wind.
spaal’: nu stl’i’ kw’unus lhakw’ xwte’ ’u thu sum’shathut.
Raven: I want to fly to the Sun.
stsuhwum: nem’ tsun tse’ paathamu nemustamu.
Wind: I will blow and bring you there.
paatum ’utl’ stsuhwum tthu spaal’ ni’ ’u tthu nets’uw’t-hw ’i ’ nuw’ lhtsiws ’ul’.
The wind blows raven, who flies around the room until he is tired.
sum’shathut: hey’ewulh. nem’ tsun wulh thhwathut.
Sun: Good-bye, I am going to disappear now!
spaal’: ’i tsun yuhi’lum’!
Raven: I am falling!
thqet: ’uw’ kwunnamu tsun tse’!
Tree: I will catch you!
suw’ se’tum ‘utl’ thqet tthu t’eluw’s hulitum spaal’ kwus yuhi’lum’.
The tree raises his arms to save the falling raven.
ni’ hay. hay ch q’a’.
The end. Thank you.
Story & voice: Ruby Peter
Text editing: Donna Gerdts
Sound recording: Thomas Jones
Clip art: Joan Brown
Video editing: Donna Gerdts
Story: RavenFalls