xuthinuws ’uli’hwiin’ tsqway wuxus – Four little frogs

Hul’q’umi’num’ sxwi’em’: xuthinuws ’uli’hwiin’ tsqway wuxus from Hakwush on Vimeo.

From book designed by Strong Nations Publishing Inc.
Hul’q’umi’num’ version by Donna Gerdts, Ruby Peter, Delores Louie
Voice by Delores Louie

Four Little Green Frogs
(English Translation)

Four frogs, little and green, sitting on a brown log.
They are eating flies, yummy black flies. Mmm! Mmm!
One frog jumps off, diving down into the clear cool pond.
And now there are only three. Croak! Croak! Croak!

Three frogs, little and green, sitting on a brown log.
They are eating flies, yummy black flies. Mmm! Mmm!
One frog jumps off, diving down into the clear cool pond.
And now there are only two. Croak! Croak! Croak!

Two frogs, little and green, sitting on a brown log.
They are eating flies, yummy black flies. Mmm! Mmm!
One frog jumps off, diving down into the clear cool pond.
And now there is only one. Croak! Croak! Croak!

One little frog, little and green, sitting on a brown log.
He’s eating flies, yummy black flies. Mmm! Mmm!
One frog jumps off, diving down into the clear cool pond.
And then they were all gone.
And now there are no frogs. Croak! Croak!


Four Green Frogs poem  [Download the Hul’q’umi’num’ version here]

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