tthu ’i’tut spe’uth | The sleeping bear
In this story by Nick Joe, translated into Hul’q’umi’num’ by Ruby Peter, it is left up to your imagination about how it ends.
tthu ’i’tut spe’uth | The sleeping bear
Story by Nick Joe & Ruby Peter
tthu ’i’tut spe’uth | The sleeping bear
Story by Nick Joe & Ruby Peter
- kwsus wulh hay ’ul’ hith kwsus ’i’tut tthu spe’uth ’u’ tthu tum’xuytl’.
For a long time, Bear was sleeping in the winter!
- hwuy spe’uth ’i’ hay’ul’ yu kw’ekw’i’.
Bear woke up and he was so hungry!
- lumnum ’utl’ spe’uth tthu q’uq’ulum’ suw’ t’eyuq’ tthu shqwaluwuns.
Bear saw the campers and was mad at the campers.
- xi’num spe’uth ’u kw’u hay’ ’ul’ hwthiqun sisuw’ sulsi’, lha’ lukw’ tthu sqw’ulqw’ulesh.
He growled so loud he scared the birds away.
- huy’qwst-hwus thu huy’qw tthu q’uq’ulum’, ’i’ ni’ ’uw’ hwun’ t’et’iyuq’ spe’uth, tl’e’ wulh xi’num.
The campers lit the fire, and bear was so angry, he growled again.
- hwi’ sht’eewun’ tthu q’uq’ulum’ kws nilh tthu stsuhwum.
The campers thought it was the wind.
- tl’e wulh qul’et xi’num spe’uth, wulh tul’ nuhwus tthu q’uq’ulum’ kws spe’uths tthu xixunum’.
Then bear growled again, and the campers finally realized it was a bear growling at them.
- lumnuhwus tthu yey’sel’u tthu spe’uth. The two of them saw the bear.
- sis ’uw’ xwulun’chenum’. na’ nuts’a’ tthu ni’ xwte’ ’u’ tthu
s’uy’iws. ’i’ na’ nuts’a’ tthu ni’ xwte’ ’u’ tthu stth’kwu’iw’s.
One ran to the right and one ran to the left.
- sis ’uw’ nilh tthu ni’ xwte’ ’u’ tthu stth’kwu’iw’sth ni’ tseeltus.
The bear went for the one going to the left.
- ’i’ ’uwu te’ shtatul’ste’wut ’utl’ spe’uth kwsus yu tsukwul’etum’.
They didn’t know who the bear would follow.
- ni’ hay. Hay ch q’a.
This is the end. Thank you.
Story – Nick Joe
Hul’q’umi’num’ translation – Ruby Peter
Hul’q’umi’num’ voice – Ruby Peter
Hul’q’umi’num’ transcription and editing – Donna Gerdts
Video editing – Donna Gerdts & CJ Rice
Original art – Nick Joe & Sally Hart
Music – Thomas Jones
Funding – First Peoples’ Cultural Council, School District #68, Simon Fraser University, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council