tthu xelu skweyul ’utl’ suli tth’amuqw’us | Sully Sasquatch’s special day
Sully the sasquatch learns to treasure himself and to appreciate the unique gifts he possesses.
Read moreSully the sasquatch learns to treasure himself and to appreciate the unique gifts he possesses.
Read moreRead, watch, and listen to ’een’thu qwun I am seagull. Photography by Cim MacDonald.
Read moreI am great blue heron by Ruby Peter, Cim MacDonald, and Sally Hart. Photography by Cim MacDonald.
Read moreLearn about sp’eetl’ – the River Otter. Story by Ruby Peter & Cim MacDonald. Photography by Cim MacDonald.
Read moreRead, watch, and listen to this short story introducing you to the great bald eagle. Photography by Cim MacDonald.
Read morePlaying soccer is hard work, as we see in this story by Alex Crocker and Melainee Sampson, translated into Hul’q’umi’num’ and read by Ruby Peter. Hul’q’umi’num’ is a Coast Salish language spoken in British Columbia, Canada. sht’e tst kwutst huw’a’lum’ | A Game to remember by Alex Crocker, Melainee Sampson, and Ruby Peter I am Alex Crocker. I am from […]
Read moreIn this story by Nick Joe, translated into Hul’q’umi’num’ by Ruby Peter, it is left up to your imagination about how it ends. tthu ’i’tut spe’uth | The sleeping bear Story by Nick Joe & Ruby Peter tthu ’i’tut spe’uth | The sleeping bear Story by Nick Joe & Ruby Peter kwsus wulh hay ’ul’ hith kwsus ’i’tut tthu spe’uth […]
Read moretth’upsi’athun’ ’i’ tthu smuyuth | Squirrel and DeerStory by Liam Knott and Delores Louie In this story we find out how the squirrel and the deer became friends.Translated into Hul’q’umi’num’ and read by Delores Louie. Hul’q’umi’num’ is a Coast Salish language spoken in British Columbia, Canada. (1) kwthu ’uhwiin’ nu sqwul’qwul’ nus yuthustalu ’u kwthu tth’upsi’athun’ ’i’ tthu smuyuth hwu […]
Read moretu sum’e’kwulh squmkwala’ | The injured tadpole Story by Brandon Sampson, Brydon Sampson, and Ruby Peter 01. ’een’thu Brandon, ts’saq’unthut tunu sne, ’een’thu sun’tl’e’. ’een’thu Brydon, ts’saq’unthut tunu sne. ’een’thu sa’suqwt. I’m Brandon. ts’saq’unthut is my name, the elder. I’m Brydon, ts’saq’unthut is my name, the younger. 02. tun’ni’ tst ’utl’ shts’um’inus, nilh tthu squmkwala’ nilh […]
Read moreby Lynsey Johnny, Ruby Peter, and Donna Gerdts hwiin’eem’ ’u tthu sqw’uqw’ul’ush t’it’ul’um’.m’i wil’ thu sum’shathut.’ilhe nem’ hwii’neem’’u tthu ’iyus st’ul’t’ilum’. Listen to all the birdies singing.The sun has just appeared.Let’s go and listento their happy song. ’i tseep stitiya’xw.’ii tseep ’uw’ ’iyus ’ul’?’ii tseep wulh tsulel ’i’ nem’ lhakw’?’uy’ netulh, sqw’uliqw’lush, ’uy’ netulh. You are very busy.Are you happy?Will […]
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